We work hard to let you know what to expect from your item so you’re delighted when you get it. We offer detailed product images and descriptions, as well as the ability to preview most items.
Order cancellations are only allowed within 12 hours from the time the order was placed. We will do our best to honor an order cancellation request within that 12 hours (up to 24 hours) from the time the order is placed, however we cannot guarantee.
All items you receive that are free from defects and made as ordered and described on our website are not returnable.
Of course, if an error is ours, we’ll replace the item at no charge to you.
If you’ve made a mistake and need to re-order, we’ll be happy to offer you a generous 50% discount to do so.
Unauthorized returns will not be accepted. Shipping charges are non refundable and we do not reimburse return shipping costs. All returns and replacements must be made within 30 days of receipt.